I left Nonnie and Richard in Whitefish and ventured south to Missoula for a few days to visit my friend, Kelly. We drank beer, played in the hills, and I shot my first gun. Great success.

From Missoula, I went to Jackson, Wyoming and I am definitely living there some day. Brandi and I met in high school at our first job and I hadn't seen her since then. It was a short visit, but we crammed in a lot of great sights and conversation while Danny, our tour guide, gave his best efforts to recruit another southern California transplant. More local beer, homemade brownies, bison and tetons made it hard to leave this place. Somehow, I didn't get ANY photos besides the first ones coming into town, so I stole the others from Brandi so you can see how amazing this place is and how adorable these two people are.
After 17 hours of straight driving, I was on a mission to make it to Yosemite in a day. I made it, and it's been non-stop goodness. Andrew and I did a two-night back packing trip into Hetch Hetchy where we caught some fish, played in the wild flowers and saw some epic waterfalls. Then we had a crew on a day hike up to North Dome and hopefully I'll have more pictures to come soon.
"Keep close to nature's heart... and break clear away once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." -John Muir