Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4....Michael.. Where's Michael!

Meet Michael Voors. He is one of a kind and has the ability to turn an ordinary night into an adventure. After living in Australia, Mike is home living in San Fransisco. He came to Long Beach to visit his boys (Reed in particular). He and Reed lived together for 7 years in college and have had a bizarre relationship ever since then. Reed considers him a brother and I've also adopted him as one of my best friends.

Before Mike came to LB, we all prepared our livers and our sleep patterns. He would be in town from Friday night through Sunday and flying home Sunday night. So we thought!

Friday night was a boys night so I laid low and really took advantage of the rest that I would lose the next 2 days. However, at 2:30am, I had a house full of 5 stinky men that wanted to sleep on my couches and floor, 2 of them fighting over who got to sleep in the bed with me. Reed and Mike wrestled over it and Reed finally got Mike to sleep in the living room where he cuddled with Stephen. These boys have the strangest relationship and I have yet to understand it.  

Needless to say, we got a late Saturday and that was fine because the surf wasn't much to get excited for anyway. We decided to go to Schooner's and meet Carson who is Reed's childhood friend from Encinitas. He and Mike are also really good friends through Reed and apparently they have the same bizarre taste in clothing. We had originally planned on going to Schooner's and jumping on my friends boat. Mike and Stephen didn't have trunks so they went down the street and bought some on sale. Stephen liked the cut off jean shorts look while Mike.. well Mike just looked like Mike.

He bought a woman's tank top that said "Fank You" on it with bright pink and blue shorts. Carson loves wearing camouflage. In the winter, he wears the long pants and long sleeve shirt. In the summer he wears the shorts and t shirt. He and Mike looked like quite the pair.

We decided to go to the corner and hang on the beach for a couple hours after Schooner's and then we came back to my house so the boys could play basketball. I'm not even sure what they were playing but it was really funny. It looked like they were in elementary school all over again.  They would huddle for the game plans and argue over rules. The five men were stinky and sweaty yet again.

Let me explain the title of this blog. The entire weekend I was mom for these boys. I made sure they ate, drank water and showered. I also made sure they didn't get lost. At any given time I would literally do a head count to make sure we hadn't lost anyone. There was always one straggler that would wander off and I put Mike's name in the title simply because he is the star of the show.

Saturday night was one of the most interesting I've had. It started in the car to pick up Quincy and go out down town. I drove everyone, Reed in the front, Carson, Mike, Steven, Orr (also visiting from SF who went to college with Reed), Tanner, and my girlfriend Sawnsearay who had no idea what she was getting herself into, all in the back. We had the best playlist going from the radio and at one point a new song that none of us had heard of came on. It sounded out of place because it was on 105.9. It's the song "No Speak Americano" and we literally were dancing for the entire drive to Quincy's. It's a mix of techno, Mexican, and almost like a yodeling theme. We found out who sang it and played it at Quincy's about 10 times before we left the house.

After a long night, we surfed Newport only to end up body surfing. It was terrible and at one point, I actually ditched my board and surfed on Mike. We went to Dukes for one last lunch before Mike went home. NOT! We talked him into missing his flight and he stayed for another week. We had a serious ping pong match at Nick's, went to LA to visit Gayrod (Jared) and by the end of the week we were all spent. Mike's wondering where his liver is while Reed and I are catching up on sleep. It was a great time and I'm already preparing myself for the next visit in a year.