Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hurricane Paul, Conejo y Más

"He draws up the drops of water which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind." - Job 36:27

Baja brings much adventure, critters, waves, and most recently a hurricane. I just recently finished the book of Job, where I found this verse. The timing of finding this verse and Hurricane Paul was most amusing to me. We spent the last four days or so in Conejo and so far, that was my favorite wave. We heard there was a hurricane in Cabo and the waves improved immensely because of it. We took advantage of it, until one dark morning when gusts of wind and rain kicked us out of camp, bringing us to the flooded city of La Paz where we'll wait until Thursday to take the dreaded 18 hour ferry to mainland as I consume copious amounts of dramamine.

When we aren't surfing, our days ::ahem:: the boy's days consist of fishing, hunting kangaroo rats, turkey vultures, scorpions, and snakes, while I fight off mosquitos and do some reading, journaling, and yoga. It's been an adjustment without Todd here, but we're hoping he'll join us again next month. As you can see by all the photos, they are always getting into something exciting, and if it's not exciting, they will find a way to make it so.

Living with boys has taken some getting used to for me. So far, I've had to surrender my usual custom of one sponge for the dishes and one sponge for wiping off dirty surfaces, sleeping in, vanilla creamer, and taking showers on a regular basis. We now use one sponge for everything, wake up with the sun (or whenever Andrew wants everyone to wake up), use sugar instead of creamer, and shower in the ocean (as fresh water is not always available). These outdoor living, stinky, river boys are teaching me a thing or two about what it's like to really live dirtbag style.

Not being in constant communication with my family is also an adjustment for me. I usually talk to each of them at least once a day, so taking that down to once a week (if that) has taken a lot of getting used to for all of us. I miss my little nugget who doesn't quite understand how she can't feed me, hug me, or kiss me. All she knows is "Bebba Skype" means she gets to see me and talk to me on the computer, while she persistently tries to hug, kiss, and share her snacks with continuous interception from a screen.

We're looking forward to the days ahead in mainland spending time with family friends, hopeful kayaking in Puerto Vallarta, and doing some much needed laundry :) This will probably be my last post for a few weeks. Until then, the tortillas...

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