Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Praise You In This Storm - Part Two

I've written about this here a while back, and I think it's important to be reminded of the events shaping this world. Media insists on highlighting the tragedies, and I think it's just as crucial to see the beauty we're holding on to. I pray for both; thanking God for my abundance of undeserved blessings, and that He would bless those less fortunate than I am.

Below are just a few of many events going on today.

The Ugly:
Syria continues to be volatile, with at least 93,000 deaths as of 2011 (The Independent).
More than two dozen wild fires are burning from Alaska to New Mexico (US News)
Egyptian Civil War growing with hate (Aljazeera).

The Beautiful: 
Plane crash with 307 passengers, miraculously only took two lives (fortunately for them, they were believers in Christ) (China Daily).
Equality for all in the state of California (ABC).
Human waste turning into help for Haiti (Positive News). - If you're tired of depressing news like I am, check this page out.

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

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