After the surf went from this photo to flat, we decided it was time to head north. I caught some kind of bug which we all debated between Dengue, the flu, or maybe just a parasite but either way, I'm glad the days of lying on the bathroom floor are over.
We had a fun last day decorating Pols with all the sunscreen Zinka sent us, and I left with memories of the funny things Pols says:
Pols: "Hey Angie, what's the necklace you're wearing?"
Andrew: "It's a Nami Nami, the river god of the Zambezi" (he goes on to tell Pols the history of it.)
Pols: "Hm... I reckon that's crap"
Dave: "I come from a land down under"
Pols: "Yeah Dad that's great, but I come from a land of tacos and I want to eat one right now, so let's go"
Becca: "My stomach hurts"
Pols: "Well, if you eat the salsa, make sure to put the toilet paper in the freezer so it's cold on your bum"
Pols: "Mmm... This taco is orgasmic!"
Becca: "Do you even know what that means?"
Pols: "Yeah I googled it last night"
I love this kid!!!
On our way up to meet the parentals, we stopped at a couple beautiful beaches. Kiwi Dave taught me how to make salsa so I put that to practice with a fish Andrew so proudly speared. The rest of those two days were spent playing on a wide open, empty beach. The first was La Peñita and the second night was just north or it. On the road to Puerto Vallarta, you can veer left off the main highway and this is what you'll find.

It's a good thing I was paying attention and wasn't on auto pilot like I usually am when driving because the road to Arroyo Seco was out to get me.
We made it to Puerto Vallarta, picked up Mark and Nancy and headed to Sayulita where a beautiful hill side house awaited us along with a ton of down time. That first night, Nancy made soup and just the smell of thyme trickling into my room made me think of home (mostly Christmas). She also makes a mean Choffee (hot chocolate and coffee).
The only moment I've hated so far, was hearing a loud explosion in the kitchen. Mark and I were outside reading and when we heard it, both our hearts stopped. We ran in to find Andrew and Nancy catching their breath after the oven exploded. Luckily, they were both okay. Mark said an extra prayer of thanks before dinner that night and I think I hugged Andrew and Nancy about 20 times - so thankful!
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