Where to begin. Sorry for all who have been looking for an update. I have a lot of things written but not blogged yet. We are leaving Campo Lopez and heading to Southern Baja on October 1st (ish). This whole thing has been an "ish" journey and I'm finding it to be more enjoyable than having a set plan. Me and three boys - Andrew, Todd, and Chris - are driving our "van de suenos" through Baja, crossing over to mainland on an 18 hour ferry (fml), then heading to Oaxaca and maybe Guatemala if we need to extend our visas for another 6 months. Four months surfing, two months kayaking. Should be nothing shy of an adventure. I'm particularly excited for Oaxaca and hopefully meeting up with my friend Alli.
The biggest hurdle for me is learning how to do absolutely nothing. All day. Every day. Do nothing except wake up, drink 3-4 cups of coffee on a deck overlooking the ocean, journal, run and/or surf, eat some breakfast, chorble around the casa, surf some more, take a siesta, drink some rum and coke, watch the sunset, and eat a lot of tortillas. Sounds relaxing, but I go stir crazy doing nothing for too long. There are a lot of great orphanages I'd like to visit to break up the routine and do some good for the community. I could always use some soccer and happy kids in my day.
The next challenge is not getting fat. Seriously, why are the flour tortillas in Baja so good? I have no self control. I eat them whenever I see them. It's a sickness. I can't wait to get to mainland so they're out of reach. I've probably gained 5-7lb and I'm turning into a gordita. Surf more, eat less. I should write that on the bathroom mirror. Hell, maybe on the bag of tortillas.
We've been loving the disco and dutch oven. Both are cooked over the fire since we're literally one step up from camping. No electricity or gas, but we have running water and a breath taking view which you've all seen so life is pretty amazing here.
So at this point in my travels, I'm praying to stay healthy, patient, and open minded. I'm really excited for the road to freedom and escape from corporate America. The only real duties I have are keeping a tight budget, saying no to that last tortilla, and making sure Andrew showers at least once a week, which is often times the hardest job! Below is a photo I took of him surfing before he hurt his knee doing this exact same maneuver. He's fun to watch, and the energy he brings to the water is unbelievable- even more so when his dad comes down to surf.

My life is amazing and only getting better. I've made plans in life and realized I can't ever really plan what's already been laid out for me. When I think I'm in charge, God reminds me, sometimes with the bandaid effect, because it seems that's the only way I listen. Mexico is before me, and I'm going to charge it, making the most out of every day that's been given to me. First thing's first, more coffee.
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Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Finally a post!!! I'm happy that you are happy and finding adventure in your days ahead... but I am sad (and "Jayme sad") that we don't get our regular Bebba visits and calls. Praying for health and safety every day!