My Backyard/Playground |
Two weeks of unemployment have been nothing shy of amazing; however I must admit this whole living on a budget has never been my strong point. I've been blessed my entire life not having to worry about money and it's definitely not because I'm good at spending wisely. Growing up, we weren't exactly well off until my teenage years but my dad always took care of us. I always felt bad about him buying the bag of beef jerky and lemonade I really wanted from Costco every Saturday morning, but his response was always, "don't worry about it; if you want it, get it." Well... you really messed me up Pops, because that mentality stuck with me for the next 20 years and now that I'm
unemployed ::ahem:: voluntarily quit a very well paying job, I have no idea how to live on a budget.
Sunrise Bedroom View |
First thing's first.... move home. Yup. I did it. I moved home at 28 years old and I'm pretty happy about it. I was dreading the transition after being on my own for 10 years in Long Beach where the weather is always nice, I'm close to the beach, and I can lounge around in my underwear. Now as I sit here in my room in Riverside, I've been brutally reminded of the heat, snakes, spiders of every damn breed you can think of, and worst of all, the inability to lounge around in my underwear. The positives of moving home? Well that would be the pool, trail runs in the mountain behind our house, a freezer packed with steak and salmon, a maid once a week, no rent, and best of all, I'm with my family.
I can gripe all I want aome, but in reality, this month is going to fly by and I won't even have enough time to know whether or not I like living at home. I leave for Montana next week to visit Nonnie, then after that, I've got one solid week to soak up my family and then I'm off for the Tour de Suenos. This past week, my girls and I spent three days in Vegas on our final excursion as roommates. We've become more like sisters over the past few years and it was an emotional yet exciting end of an era.

New beginnings and future endeavors are being revealed and I couldn't be more excited to get started. I'm not meant for the working world, and don't know that I'll ever go back to it. I've lived the high life, now it's time to live the good life where I'll be broke, brown, barefoot, and rich with happiness and love.
The difference between knowing and understanding is
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