This post is going to be a bit different than the norm. Stace and I brought my travel journal with us for the drive home from Austin. I'm going to type it out exactly how it is in the journal and while to most of you it will make NO sense, it makes the two of us laugh out loud. It's kind of unclear to most of you who is narrating but it doesn't matter because you won't understand most of this anyway :-) Love you Joben that was a great trip! -Love, Magooch
Stace and I are driving home from Austin...
First stop? MOTHERS! Garden burger yumminess...
Second Stop. Snow Beach. Bee-not cool. Tangerine and blackberry snow cones make me happy.
Third Stop. Souvenir with stressed out man. Coffee cup. Check.
Fourth Stop. "I like it in the rear." Stace in the rear, bec in the back. COFFEE!!!
wait no.. 4th stop was Billy's for green tank top... too small.. maybe yellow on e-bay! Save Texas, drink BEERSKIES!!!
P.S. Watch the road
Iced americanos are our friends. 0 for 2... no mugs... no sleeves... fail.
3:45pm Goodbye Austin...Hello...Gas station
"What address are we putting in the GPS?"... "uh... Albuquerque hot air balloons?..."
Note: Becca will find a hot Christian Chris McCandless...
4:00pm... we made it 1/4 mile... Friday traffic... oops
"oh that's easy... a-l-b... wait"
Gas. oil. gas tank. wait... gas tank is leaking... it's now 4:35 and we've gone 1 mile... total
The old man at the gas station looks like the old man on Home Alone. Perfect.
"Where we headed? West. You know what's west? Sunsets!!!"
"I gotta pee..."
Lost of open road. Trying to sleep but Stacey's making me laugh. She can't keep quiet with country music... wait... GEORGE STRAIGHT 2X IN A ROW?!?!?! yeeeeehaaawww!!!
Snickers Gangsta
It's 6:30... I gotta pee again...
Waited until 7... Brady Hickville Texas. Pretty sure all of town as at 7-11 to stock up on beer for tonight's HS Football game...
Listening to Pat Green watching the sunset!
Stacey said my farts smell like a Hello Kitty Store... She's wrong... In fact. There is nothing right about what's coming out of me... so wrong... (i can't believe I'm blogging this)
O'Doyle and turtles BOTH rule
Sun's going down. Only 9 hours to Albuquerque (We learned how to spell since earlier...yeahthatsright)
Ragtop ride and ride with my sister! Carry On!!! -Pat Green.
Random vato music... I like it!

Fam-uh-lee..made in uh-mer-ic-cuhhhhhh
can't wait for the next recap!... 8:21...
"okay the next song that comes on we have to sing in our best country accents... wait... KESHA?!?!"
NITRO!! Drop it like it's hot! woooahhhh that guy was boiling hot...
5 hour is turning me into a crazy loca muahahahahaha
uhh... apparently it took Stacey too...
ooooo!! More vato musica!!!
Dance like mom! Palms on the ground!
"How many bugs do you think commit suicide on windshields every day?"
"I dunno but that one's hangin on!"
Becca's a cheater and peaked ahead at the recap. Minus one point.
Kickapoop River! KICKAPOOP BIRD!!!!!
Rumor has it!
hoooooly Texas, we just got to Tom Green County!
Clap clap clap clap clap RUMOR HAS IT!
Michael Voors gets the first shout out!
Another bug bites the dust SPLAT!!!
Stacey says she's sorry ahead of time for all the bad writing about to happen...
Jayme Dee... so good... Stacey and I think we sound like her. DUH. So come on skinny love just last the year. Love Bon Iver.
"Pull up on the bar!"
"It hurts, it's cramping ouooowww!!!"
I think Stacey just crapped her pants...Nope...just a big fart..."
"ewww is that you?"
"You told me to pull up on the bar!!"
6 minutes to recap and I can't wait. Can't breathe either. No really... the stench is wretched. There's nothing okay about this what just came out of her.. hooolly hamstring
what the free---way! Get off! off! now!!!
Pee at 8:20. How convenient. RECAP!
"I can't wait, recap?"
"No... it says pee at 8:20 and recap at 8:21!"
Becca doesn't flush because she wanted me to smell her "mom pee" (coffee aroma urine... gross)
Stacey - pee at 8:22... again
wow DEFINITELY not hello kitty. Sulfur explosion...
This could be the biggest mistake of the road trip so far... Taco Bell stop for dinner. I don't even like Taco Bell... Uh-Oh.
Re-calculating... SHUT UP! We know we are recalculating, we're hungry so what are you gonna do about it Candy/Barbara?!
It's a cute little kitty. "I feel so comfortable in your hands." "Guess it's just you and me now." "Saying goodbye is the hardest part of this job." Taco Bell is genius.
"Oh God it's got to be like 75º..." "It's 68º"
Hmmm.. I thought Carlsbad had beaches...
"I don't want to pick my boogers yet because I'll have nothing to do later..."
Pee 9:49pm in...I don't know where...
Red blinking lights in the middle of BFF... hallucinations? I really need to sleep.
11:48. Keep eyes on the road.
No recap because we haven't had much going on... told you i wouldn't be able to write much. I like driving duty better, haha I said "duty"... dooty dooty stinky booty..." It's 57 degrees now, maybe my bag of melted reeses re-hardened into 1 BIG REESES!!! yum.. BREAKFAST!
They call me thumper... SPLAT!
must...stay...awake... 1:04am
It smells like poop... did I crap my pants? Let's see.. so far I've had 2 redbulls, 1 coffee and 2 5hour energies... Kids don't try this at home.
Stacey just tried to lean over and kiss me... oh wait... she was just lifting a cheek.
She also keeps smelling rain and sniffing extra long and hard. Next time she does that I'm going to give her the butter cup from hell and it won't be a reeses peanut butter cup!
Lights turn off... where's the hole?... thaaaaaat's what she said
I just blew snot in my scarf.
Joben... dearrrrr Joben... you don't play the flute anymore...
Whyyyyy is the passenger side so FREAKING cold and why is Stacey yelling at Barbara as if she were a real human sitting on the dash telling us where to go... oh wait... because she's delusional and delirious still playing her make believe air flute.
What is it good for, HOO... HA! Welcome to Amherst, TX where we've officially lost our minds.
Over played songs on the radio:
- Keith Urban "without you"
- Rodney Atkins "Back Road"
- Blake Shelton "God Gave Me You"
- George Sraight
Recap 2:08
Stace is a better rapper than Nelly himself. True Story. We have proof.
It's now 2:10am and we made it to New Mexico! Econolodge 7.5 miles ahead. Tempting. NOPE!!
Hello Kernel Sanders, I'd like a chicken little. Thanks.
Brett Di Mano, 2nd shout out. He wasn't very nice to the one he loves.
FACE TO FACE!!! you don't know one thing about meeeeeeee. We sing better than them too.
I feel like I'm on drug. Did you know this song is about goldfish? (Penelope- Pinback)
Not one man, woman, dog, cat... or anything is on the road.
Can't open my right eyeball. Dangit.
What's a scnozberry? It's a berry from your schnoz and it's not very good.
"Pull over."
"Gotta pee."
Hanging off the side of the car, pee splattering over our legs... is it my own or Becca's? Who cares, the feel of sweet release... OOOHHH!
Empty bladders, chug warm 5 hour energy. We are on a mission. The balloons better be sweet! Easy 5k!
What would it take to run a marathon from Clovis to the 40? NOTHING! LIGHTS! MUST GET COFFEE!!!
You know it's bad when someone says "give me the good shit" and they're talking about eye drops.
How about Aunt Chris?
6:15am... we made it to Albuquerque but not the festival. Traffic is crazy. "Wait... are you farting?... Ronchy"
Saturday 10/01/2011
We pulled off to a random park overlooking the hot air balloon festival and slept like a couple bums.
I woke up feeling very refreshed and said "wow I feel great, I must've slept like 5 hours!" "no it's been one." "SWEET! Let's GO!"
Top down, tank tops on.
Met a lady who recycles the entire neighborhoods cans on the 1st Saturday of the month. All the money goes back to the community. Thought that was cool.
On the road again... but i'm being summoned to rest. booo... Magooch is being a party pooper and says I'm being a grump. BAH! 30 minutes only...
Remember when driving through Texas felt like 3 days ago? Ohhhh wait that was this morning.. annnd still driving.
Whitening my teeth after this trip. Too much coffee.
"Wake up and live" -Bob Marley
Good thing I bought a map- make sure to read it right side up.
I need to exfoliate.
Becca thinks the rock formations look like scalloped potatoes. what the?!
"Thaaaat looks like rain ahead, maybe we should put the top up?" "Nah. Let's charge it." ... bad call
I love picking my nose.
Teach me how to buggy! PS... it's dumping now.
"ooohhhh yeahhhh!" "is that why you said it?" "Huh?"
Stace needs a new face.
6:30 Canyon Arrival YAY!
1 hour of sleep in 3 days. oh boy.
Mom sneezes are no good.
Stace is pissy and I'm laughing which pisses her off even more :-D
In bed at 7:30. so tired we can't sleep.
My farts are strong enough to kill a bear. oowwww foot cramp from hell.
Raining still and hoping to see the sun rise tomorrow.
SUNDAY 10/02/2011
"We have to go. I just pissed off a bee."
We woke up at 5 to get the sunrise at Mather Point. I had JUST gotten comfy when little miss "swisharoundtogetcomfortableallnight" finally swatted me on the back to wake up.
We got there and realized, "wait... it's 4am?!" It worked out though because it was the most quiet and pretty with the changing colors before the sun was even close to coming up. By the time the bus dropped off all the Asians who were frantically running to see the sun come up as if it were the last time, we left since we saw the best of it.
By the way, if we hear Blake Shelton one more time... hm... I got nothin...
2 cups of coffee before 8am YES!
Stacey made out with Andrew Ballengar. Gross. (DID NOT!)
Stacey's kiss list: 13.
Prospects: 5
Becca's kiss list... this might take the remainder of the trip to figure out... I kissed a lot of frogs ...
Prospect list: 3
Baby names:
Tanner --> Stace likes this because of Full House... wtf?
Stacey likes:
Becca likes:
We both like:
Dear country music,
Stay country. Jason Aldean, YOU DON'T RAP! Sugarland, YOU DON'T SING REGGAE!
Bucket List: (SS) = Stacey (BS) = Becca
Ireland (SS)
Every Brewhouse (SS)
All Baseball parks (SS)
Live in Portland (SS)
See the magic buss (BS)
Live in Santa Barbara (BS)
Go to Alaska (BS and SS)
Camp in Baja (BS)
Swim with sharks (SS)--- nooooo thanks
See a tornado (SS) ---- what the hell is wrong with you stacey
Jackson Hole (BS)
Jump on a freight train (SS)
Mt. Whitney (BS)
Have 5 kids (SS) --- now you're just crazy
Australia (BS)
Work as a barista (BS)
Lead someone to Christ (SS and BS)
Mt. Rushmore (BS and SS)
Learn Romanian and German (SS)
Africa (BS and SS)
Go to northshore in winter (BS)
So we learned how well the side steps on wranglers make for great toilet seats. The trick is crossing your left leg over the right and voi-la! Splatter proof road-side peeing.
Question asked yesterday: where does the rest of the bug go once it hits the windshield?
Jeans were a bad choice to travel in 80+ weather with the top down... in AZ
I wonder if the old couple from breakfast are feeling the effects of the brown gravy they had with their biscuits since the checker insisted it should be gray and had never been brown. Way to make them feel confident in their breakfast decision Dr. Gravy.
Sandy Patty... what happened to her?
Becca loves Shawn McDonald "I Will Rise"
Stacey just invented the world's greatest snack. Banana Oreos! Banana chips with peanut butter in the middle. I hope they have those in Heaven, not that I'll be hungry there but they are delightful!
"You're the banana of my face."
Them of this roadtrip is officially Country, Christian, Coffee.
Life can't get any better than 100+ degrees driving with the top down (literally) I love life!
Gotta stretch, been in the car too long...
DOH! Nectarines confiscated :( We were just being honest. Oh well, maybe God didn't want us to eat them for a reason. at least we still have our oreo ingredients.
Becca keeps telling me the temp is 100 degrees. She must have lived on the coast too long.
I miss Texas already. I want a snowcone, hold the bee. HEY What is Becca pissed off the bee in Austin and he's been flying like hell to follow us... Not the best revenge bee since I swatted your ass this morning!
It's gonne be a great daayyyyy great day great dayyyyy.....
Jessi's dance moves, you will be missed.
Becca says we used to be the hot sisters in highschool. uhhhh we still are!
Singing Last Friday Night by Katy Perry... had a menaje twa.... wait... what's a menaje twa?
My mind forgets to tell me you were a bad idea. - Taylor Swift
Just when we thought the banana oreos couldn't get any better. Dip them in nutella. There's the revolution Alex wanted.
Ryan Bingham "Sunrise"
Head in the Heart
Alexi Murdoch
Jeffrey Foucault
Trust is something that comes easy when you've never been a victim- Face to Face
Nothing compares no worries or cares; regrets and mistakes they'r memories made. -Adele
Play "Road Goes on Forever" by Robert Earle Keen at Stacey's funeral
Play Alexi Murdoch "All My Days" at Becca's funeral and Ryan Bingham "Sunrise"
Left at 4pm Friday and got home at 4pm Sunday. Fabulous stories and sunburnt faces. Now time to see the fam and nugget!
This little blue journal has many great stories. Until next time....