He eats his hand like it's a rib when he's hungry
He grunts like Beavis and Butthead when he poops - followed by a smile and a sigh
He has to be touching my face when he sleeps
He gets hungry, yet swats my boob when he finally gets near it
Sometimes, I have to just sit there and stare at him and tell myself repeatedly that I'm a mom. He's my son. It's amazing the way life turns and changes and continues to do so, most the time out of my control. I try to plan everything, and I'm realizing what a joke that is. Did I think I'd be here a year ago? Absolutely not. But here I am, and when those deep blue eyes observe my every move, I'm happy to be where I am. When we both fall asleep with his head on my chest, I feel blessed beyond measure. I'm thankful for the little things I've been given, and this little thing right here is about to rock my world.
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." -Osho