Thursday, April 23, 2015

Meeting Talon McCrae

The love of my life has arrived and he came out swinging. All 9lb of him. It's not something I can describe, and maybe because I haven't fully realized I'm a mother. I'm a MOTHER for crying out loud. This tiny little human relies on me around the clock to be responsible, to feed him on time, to make sure he doesn't sit around in his shit for too long. Am I doing it right? I don't know. He seems happy though.

He eats his hand like it's a rib when he's hungry
He grunts like Beavis and Butthead when he poops - followed by a smile and a sigh
He has to be touching my face when he sleeps
He gets hungry, yet swats my boob when he finally gets near it

Sometimes, I have to just sit there and stare at him and tell myself repeatedly that I'm a mom. He's my son. It's amazing the way life turns and changes and continues to do so, most the time out of my control. I try to plan everything, and I'm realizing what a joke that is. Did I think I'd be here a year ago? Absolutely not. But here I am, and when those deep blue eyes observe my every move, I'm happy to be where I am. When we both fall asleep with his head on my chest, I feel blessed beyond measure. I'm thankful for the little things I've been given, and this little thing right here is about to rock my world. 

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." -Osho