Thursday, June 28, 2012

Airport Humor

For my last business trip, ::insert applause here:: I spent the first half of my week in Savannah, GA and today I'm on my way to Norfolk, VA. My flight was cancelled yesterday but I found a flight today to get me to the facility before my 3pm presentation. PSYCHE! My flight is so delayed, I'm going to miss both presentations. As I sit in the airport, I'm surrounded by people complaining about how ridiculous the situation is. It all started with the lady on the first leg who was afraid to wear her cross necklace in fear of the muslim lady ahead of her pulling a terrorist attack. Hm.

While listening to Joe Pugg serenade me with his harmonica, I find it amusing the way people find a way to complain about anything. "I can't believe this, I've been awake since 4am today and now this?" "I'm going to complain about the service." "This is just ridiculous, and they don't even care." I'm trying my best not to laugh and respond with "Write a letter then." Instead, I sit here in a smug silence next to the only other man who couldn't care less as he is preoccupied with other things, like the slice of Famiglia cheese pizza I've been coveting. 

Here's the thing, NO ONE CARES.  It's so funny how people get worked up about the dumbest thing. I always think of it this way; if it doesn't matter tomorrow, next week, or even next month, don't worry about it and keep your entitled attitude to yourself. Besides, 100 years ago, we didn't even have the luxury of traveling 2,000 miles in 6 hours. Instead of bitching about the middle seat you'll be stuck with when you find they've over booked the flight, you should have your hands above your head screaming like a little kid on a roller coaster as YOU'RE FLYING through air. 

And now look what you did pissedoffguywhoismoreimportantthananyonehere, you got me all worked up and complaining about complainers. Whyyyy I oughtta... 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

La Buena Vida

John Wooden once said to surround yourself with people strong enough to change your mind. I've done a pretty good job of surrounding myself with good people who love me even when I'm stubborn. I'm making some big life changes with the support of my friends and family who understand who I am and where my passions lie. 

Recently God has opened my eyes and reminded me of His control over my life. I'm leaving in two months on a one-way ticket for the south pacific, but I'm really excited to head back into central and south America. Latin America has a culture I can't seem to fall out of love with and it seems to keep reappearing in my thoughts when I think of long term plans. I trust God and constantly refer back to my favorite bible verse, Proverbs 3:5-6. I have to remember I'm not in charge. My heart is wide open at this point and I'm listening. I don't know why, but all I hear is Mexico? Vamos a ver lo que va a pasar.

Here are some snapshots of the last month and the amazing people who surround me while I soak up the last few months at home. This is indeed la buena vida. 

Jay talking to me on the phone, father's day, impromptu trip to six flags, taco night with the roomie, happy hour with Robert, my first fish at the Kern, Pioneer town, Joshua Tree 

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will lead your paths straight."